Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pinnacle Year 2: Reflection...

Comparing 21st Century Characteristics to Pinnacle Leader Expectations...

"Connected Educator"
A 'connected educator' uses social media resources to network with educators around the globe. Pinnacle leaders are expected to maintain their PLNs through blogging, Twitter, etc.

"Master of Technology"
A 'master of technology' knows when and how to incorporate technology into his/her students' learning. Pinnacle leaders are expected to use technology daily as 'invisible components' in their lessons.

"Reflective Practitioner"
A 'reflective practitioner' constantly evaluates and modifies his/her instruction to best meet the needs of his/her students. Pinnacle leaders are expected to regularly submit and reflect on classroom data. These reflections guide resource allocation, lesson plans, etc.

An advocate works with all stakeholders (students, parents, educators, and community leaders) to create meaningful resolutions to educational issues. Pinnacle leaders are expected to be leaders in their school communities.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


"Twitter Infographic"

Are you interested in creating your own infographic? Try (FREE website).

Saturday, June 16, 2012

ELA Common Core

If you are interested in finding ELA Common Core resources to use / adapt for your grade level, then try exploring the following website!

Sunday, May 20, 2012


If you administer assessments through Google Forms, then "Flubaroo" is for you! This easy-to-use tool allows teachers to immediately grade Google Form responses, share them with students, and generate reports.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

2nd Semester Pinnacle Project Evaluation Form...

CLICK HERE to access the 2nd Semester Pinnacle Project Evaluation form. My presentation and reflection, as well as my students' artifacts, can be found in the post entitled "2nd Semester Pinnacle Project." A BIG "Thank you!" to the six other pinnacle leaders who will be giving me feedback.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Balanced Literacy Resource: Reading

Are you looking for printable, high-quality resources that align with Reading Recovery, Fountas & Pinnell, or DRA levels? Try Reading This wonderful website contains everything from fluency passages to reader's theater scripts. It is a fabulous site if you would like to obtain additional resources for your students to help them grow their reading skills. You have to pay for a subscription...but Reading does offer a free trial. =) Click on the link below if you are interested in starting a FREE trial membership. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2nd Semester Pinnacle Project

CLICK HERE to access a Google Presentation that explains my 2nd semester Pinnacle Project. Student artifacts are included.

CLICK HERE for printable Google Doc. directions, rubrics, etc.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Khan Academy

This website contains thousands of step-by-step video tutorials on a variety of subjects. These videos can be used to provide direct instruction at a station, or students and families can access them at home for extra support / review. This is a great website to use if you are looking for a free site from which to pull short videos for Smart Board Lessons / Stations. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Are you looking for an engaging way for your students to practice inferring? Try Professor Garfield’s Reading Ring! Students infer the correct order for Garfield comic strip panels, and then they answer questions about the comic strip. This is a wonderful activity for all students, and struggling readers won’t be intimidated, because they are working with short amounts of text.