Saturday, October 29, 2011

Incorporating Technology Into Reading Workshop Stations...

This literacy station requires students to identify over-used words in their writing, and then find substitutes. The focus is on (1) building vocabulary, and (2) promoting direct transfer into the students’ writing. This station incorporates WORDLE. WORDLE is a free “word cloud” building website. See the attached Google Document for printable directions.

This literacy station allows students to take advantage of the collaborative and easy-to-use features of Google Forms to create, share, and respond to written response questions. See the attached Google Document for printable directions.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pinnacle Project Printables (Google Doc. Format)…

If you are interested in promoting oral and written discussion about important character traits, then try the Glogster Project Printables.


If you are interested in facilitating student-to-student book recommendations, then try the VoiceThread Project Printables.


If you are interested in growing your students’ fluency through repeated readings and self-evaluation, then try the Audacity Project Printables.

Note:  ***Unless you click “download original,” you may have some formatting issues with the images inside the documents.***

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Some of my students/parents have been getting this blog confused with my classroom blog. If you are looking for (1) your child’s blog or (2) Rm 15’s current class blog, then please click on the link below:

Book Clubs...

I have started a Book Club with one of my Guided Reading Groups.  The Book Club is similar to an adult Book Club, where the process of discussion is emphasized over the creation of a product.  Students select a novel to read (I selected their first novel to model the selection process), and then they read the novel independently during self-selected reading time or at home.  The group meets two times a week to discuss the novel.  At the meeting, each member of the group has a role.  Since this type of talk about books will add to the students’ love for reading and help them grow their higher-order thinking skills, I hope to have all students participating in Book Clubs by January.

 VoiceThread has been a useful tool with increasing accountability, feedback, engagement, and communication during the students’ Book Club meetings. Indeed, a significant benefit that students receive from Book Clubs is the opportunity to learn/practice communication techniques and active listening skills. 21st learners must be effective oral and written communicators, and VoiceThread allows students to easily record and comment on effective communication techniques.

The extra equipment that I have received through Pinnacle has been invaluable because students are using the Pinnacle laptop, microphone, and headphones during their Book Club. Next week my students will begin using “Audacity” in our Fluency Station.  See below for links to download and set up free accounts with Audacity and VoiceThread: