Saturday, March 31, 2012

2nd Semester Pinnacle Project Evaluation Form...

CLICK HERE to access the 2nd Semester Pinnacle Project Evaluation form. My presentation and reflection, as well as my students' artifacts, can be found in the post entitled "2nd Semester Pinnacle Project." A BIG "Thank you!" to the six other pinnacle leaders who will be giving me feedback.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Balanced Literacy Resource: Reading

Are you looking for printable, high-quality resources that align with Reading Recovery, Fountas & Pinnell, or DRA levels? Try Reading This wonderful website contains everything from fluency passages to reader's theater scripts. It is a fabulous site if you would like to obtain additional resources for your students to help them grow their reading skills. You have to pay for a subscription...but Reading does offer a free trial. =) Click on the link below if you are interested in starting a FREE trial membership.